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Sega Normal Non NET Dimm Upgraded to 4.02 - Problems....

Démarré par glstar, Mercredi 11 Janvier 2017, 09:37:10 AM


I upgraded some Non Net Dimm board to 4.02, using the method from the great TylerDurden.
I have some problems with all of them....
Some days ago i do several test.
All the boards are working without the gdrom cable connected.
It's really strange....
Without the gdrom cable connected, all boots and i can also go in test menu and there it shows 4.02 and good dimm rom....
But if i shutdown the cab, reconnect the gdrom and power the cab, all i have is black screen.....
then i tried with a legit netdimm and it works.
then i tried using the bottom board of the legit netdimm with the top of the normal dimm and it works.
then i tried using the bottom board of the 4.02 non net dimm with the top board of the legit netdim and it works.
if i use bottom and top boards from the 4.02 modified non net dimm it won't boot......never.
so i can't use gdrom....
so they are useless......

I also do some other test yesterday....
I had an original vxworks 3.03 bottom board that worked perfectly with a non net dimm top board......until i upgraded it to 4.02 via netboot......
Yesterday i upgraded the vxworks bottom board to 4.02 via netboot (of course using his net dimm top board)...
flash was fine....
then i tried again the non net dimm top board and also this one is not working if i connect the gdrom drive (or the cf card reader) screen......(of course works just fine with the net dimm top board).
if i remove the gdrom cable is boot again (and of course it gave me error of gdrom missing).

Also tried to delete network settings when used the net dimm top board, but that not change anything....
Now i know that is not a problem with the mod, but a problem with the firmware 4.02, since with 3.03 is was working.
Could it be a naomi 2 bios difference?
I use NAOMI2_EXP_EPR-23608_B.
Could be this the problem?
Otherwise i cannot understand why someone have them working but not me.....even with an original vxworks board....
This is really strange.
Here are some pics of mine settings with non net dimm top board/naomi2 bios/settings....
Do you see something wrong?
Thank you.

Thank you.
