le boot a normalement un seul et connecteur 28 pins .
l'original a 2 connecteurs 22 pins = 10 pins
photo de ta pcb ?
l'original a 2 connecteurs 22 pins = 10 pins
photo de ta pcb ?
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Pour moi la meilleurs des choses a faire :
- vendre ce qui peut l'etre.
- prendre de la dédiée recente avec les $$ de la vente.
Plus rapide, plus pratique, moins risqué.
Citation de: Cylondroid le Jeudi 17 Janvier 2019, 10:30:28 AM
la suite au prochain épisode
Citation de: Iro le Mardi 08 Janvier 2019, 17:38:56 PM
non mais je veux dire que si tu assignes tes contrôles sur le jouer 3 et 4 pour gauntlet, çà se sera pas effectif pour les autres jeux
(ou j'ai pas compris le problème avec mame, c'est possible)
Citation(source : ce lien)
This is what i've discovered about the differint revisions of gauntlet(4 player).
Revisions 1-5 all food given.don't have ranking sysyem and can be marathon'd.wall's dont turn to exits.
default game settings health 600 difficulty 4(moderate).
Revision 6-9 all food given.don't have the ranking sysyem and can be marathoned.
default game settings health 600 difficulty 4(moderate). négatif il a tout faux le monsieur la version 9 n'est plus marathonnable
Revision 10(german release) first release to employ the ranking system,can't be marathoned.
default game settingt health 700 diffuculty 4(moderate).
Revision 12(japanese) food removed levels 1-7 ,dont have ranking sysyem and can be marathon'd.
default game settingt health 1000 diffuculty 4(moderate).
Revision 13(japanese) has the ranking sysyem and can't be marathon'd.
default game settingt health 1000 diffuculty 4(moderate).
Revision 14 has the ranking sysyem and can't be marathon'd.
default game settingt health 700 diffuculty 4(moderate).
Revision 15 (spanish) has the ranking sysyem and can't be marathon'd.
default game settingt health 700 diffuculty 4(moderate).
The final release revisions was only ever relased as an eprom update package from Atari and was never shipped with the games.probably the reason i've never come across a rev 14 pcb.
Citation(source : ce lien)
Revision 1 (4-players)
* First world release.
Revision 2 (4-players)
* Added an option called 'Disable Speech?' in the operator menu.
* Fixed some texts in attract mode.
Revision 3 (4-players)
* German release only.
Revision 4 (4-players)
* World release.
Revision 5 (4-players)
* World release.
Revision 6 (4-players)
* German release only.
* Added 'All walls turn into exits' trick (see 'Tips And Tricks' section).
* Added ability to stop the attract mode with the fire button.
Revision 7 (4-players)
* World release.
Revision 8 (4-players)
* German release only.
* Added an option called 'Reduce Text?' in the operator menu.
Revision 9 (4-players)
* World release.
Revision 10 (4-players)
* German release only.
Revision 12 (4-players)
* Japanese release only.
Revision 13 (4-players)
* Japanese release only.
Revision 14 (4-players)
* World release.
* Sequence of boards may be different : After Level 8, either every other level may be skipped (Level 9 = Level 10, Level 10 = Level 12, etc.), or every two levels may be skipped (Level 9 = Level 11, Level 10 = Level 14, etc.), or boards may be played in their normal order. (It may depend on the route taken to Level 8.)
Revision 15 (4-players)
* Spanish release only.
Revision 1 (2-players)
* German release only.
* Based on the latest 4-players revision. (ce qui veux dire non-marathonable avec difficulté abjecte .ndm)
Revision 2 (2-players)
* Japanese release only.
Revision 3 (2-players)
* World release.
Revision 4 (2-players)
* German release only.
Revision 5 (2-players)
* Japanese release only.
Revision 6 (2-players)
* World release.
Gauntlet final revision, and Gauntlet 2, have different ways of allocating food.
Final Revision is so difficult, its literally pointless to play. Unless the game
difficulty is at 0 or 1, you will find that starting out, without dying, is next
to impossible. This is because, if you are going solo, 1-2 food is taken out on
the first 7 levels. Thereafter, level 8 has AT LEAST one food taken out. This is
dependent on the game difficulty. And of course, as your score increases in 16,384
point chunks.......
More food is given when more people are playing, and the "score check" is divided
by # of people and # of coins (I believe the player's scores are averaged, then
divided by # of coins inserted). 4 players playing on easy difficulty will give
bonus food.
At game difficulty 4, AT LEAST TWO Food are taken out on level 8+, and from two to
*THREE* are taken out on the first 7 levels (this depends on the level). This
leaves level 2 and 3 completely empty of food, and 1 food on level 4. Levels 5,
6 and 7 usually don't remove as much.
On difficulty 7, three foods are taken out on the first 7 levels.
As you can see, this makes playing Final revision virtually pointless, unless the
difficulty is set very low.. And, if a 2nd player joins, only 1 bonus food is given
which doesn't exactly help ;(
So unless you're playing on difficulty 0 (the game DOES get MUCH harder, regardless
of the difficulty setting in the dips), don't even bother. It is a good game on
difficulty 0, though.
There *IS* a way to make the first 7 levels MUCH easier. By using the intermediate
release roms "10a" and "10b", and renaming them to match the corresponding final
release roms (assuming you are using an emulator of course), you will be given an
extra food on each of the first 7 levels (assuming difficulty is at easiest). I
have not seen any ill effects of doing this on levels 8+, but even on difficulty
0, at least one food is always removed.
I would assume you could also burn the eeproms this way using an arcade machine too
Citation de: olschool le Samedi 05 Janvier 2019, 00:41:23 AM